March 20, 2022

Testing Suit with Cypress

Development of an open-source Test Suit for testing a web-based application on React by using the Cypress framework.

Source code:

Through this project, I've created an open-source Test Suit that anyone can clone and use as a starting point for his first approach to the discovery of Cypress.
The Test Suit is composed of a simple app, with functions in Javascript, and various Test Cases. The tests defined with Cypress will test the whole application showing the % di coverage and the results of the various Test Cases, in headless mode (without web browser) and not. If you download this Test Suit, you'll find a working web application with commented and explained Test examples of how each element of the app should work and how a test of its functioning is performed.
In this way, the user who wants to use the Cypress libraries for the first time, without having to prepare an app and create tests, can have a more complete vision of how Cypress performs the various tests and how its features works.
In addition, through the package.json file, the user can install all the necessary packages using a simple command that, by consulting this file, will build and resolve the various dependencies by itself. So, you don't need any pre-installed packages, if not a Javascript library like Node.js or yarn.js

Some features:

  • Easy to install project: Requires only a pre-installed Node.js or yarn.js
  • Lighweight, it will work on most computers, as opposed to Cypress Real-World-App, that is particularly heavy
  • Fully commented and easy to read
  • Can be used as a starting point to a real project
  • It will be updated with new features in the future


  • Html
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • React
  • Cypress
GitHub Repository